Swiss-Polish Cooperation Program

In the period from 01.03.2014 to 28.02.2015, as part of the Swiss-Polish Cooperation Program and under an agreement made on 04.06.2014 with the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, the Company carried out a project to develop and implement a new CSR strategy.


Project title:
“Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility standards in the areas and scope compliant with ISO 26000 at Zakłady Mechaniczne “WIROMET” SA?


Objectives and scope of the project:
The main objective of the project was to change and adapt the business management model to global Corporate Social Responsibility standards according to the requirements of ISO 26000.

The specific objectives of the project included rearrangement of CSR activities and making them more coherent, establishing a long-term dialogue with key stakeholder groups and introducing permanent changes in the company’s activities in the areas of the natural environment, employee relationships and the external environment.

The project covered and had an impact on all identified stakeholder groups: employees, suppliers, subcontractors, customers, local community, universities, vocational education and people entering the labour market.

Project schedule:

Implementation of an Integrated Environmental Management System as per ISO 14001 and Occupational Health And Safety System as per OHSAS 18001
Creating a CSR Strategy
Developing new standards in relations with employees
Creating CSR communication channels
Developing the rules of permanent cooperation with the educational and scientific community


Total project value: PLN 134,920.00
Value of co-financing from the Swiss-Polish Cooperation Program: PLN 94,444.00


Project benefits: implementation of a CSR strategy in as per ISO 26000; increasing the environmental safety of operations; reducing environmental nuisance, improving working conditions, increasing the adaptation of education programs to the actual needs of the economy, tightening cooperation between industry and R&D, facilitating the professional career of people starting their first job, increasing the impact of dialogue with stakeholders on the company’s operations.


Project supported by a grant from Switzerland through the Swiss Contribution to the enlarged European Union.
Detailed information on the Swiss-Polish Cooperation Program:,